Thursday, July 9, 2009
Capital Market OF Forex
Because the Forex market is an over-the-counter market with no centralized exchange, not everyone receives access to the same prices or quality of execution. The world's largest banks tend to provide better prices and execution to institutions with the largest trade volume and the most solid financials. An average of over $350,000,000,000 ($350 billion) in notional volume per month is traded via FXCM's trading platform, and FXCM is one of the most well-capitalized Forex Dealer Members. FXCM is one of the oldest and largest capitalized retail online Forex brokers. As a result, FXCM has built strong execution relationships with many of the worlds largest international banks. FXCM receives and is able to pass on the benefits of size, better prices, and better execution to our clients
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Description of Sigma Forex
The Forex market, established in 1971, was created when floating exchange rates began to materialize. The Forex market is not centralized, like in currency futures or stock markets. Trading occurs over computers and telephones at thousands of locations worldwide.
The Foreign Exchange market, commonly referred as FOREX, is where banks, investors and speculators exchange one currency to another. The largest foreign exchange activity retains the spot exchange (i.e.., immediate) between five major currencies: US Dollar, British Pound, Japanese Yen, Eurodollar and the Swiss Franc. It is also the largest financial market in the world. In comparison, the US stock market may trade $10 billion in one day, whereas the Forex market will trade up to $2 trillion in one single day. The Forex market is an opened 24 hours a day market where the primary market for currencies is the 24-hour Interbank market. This market follows the sun around the world, moving from the major banking centres of the United States to Australia and New Zealand to the Far East, to Europe and finally back to the Unites States.
Until now, professional traders from major international commercial and investment banks have dominated the FX market. Other market participants range from large multinational corporations, global money managers, registered dealers, international money brokers, and futures and options traders, to private speculators.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Trading International

Trading International understands your need for quality in your business, and can assist you in your choice of forex software, broker , trade tools, forex demo, forex account, and dealing firm, among other currency trading needs. We offer forex training for new traders ready to learn forex. If you are lacking a strategy or trading system check out our forex automated section for a library of forex signals and various automated forex softwares.
Since our begining in 2001 we have found a number of solid money managers and fund managers to help those that need asset management, need to roll over a 401K or would like to invest in a forex managed account.
Since 2001 we have focused soley on foreign exchange and online trading. Trading International is an Introducing broker for the top FDM's, ECN's, and banks world wide, namely; FXCM, GAIN (, FXDD, MB Trading.
Our brokers, client service representatives are some of the most experienced and well versed in the industry due to our various relationships. Find a term that intersts you below and click on it to find additional insight or feel free to contact us today!
Currency Trading Strategy by USA
![]() The day trader's currency trading strategy is usually made up of a multitude of signals, which trigger buy or sell decisions. A currency trading strategy can use technical analysis, fundamental analysis, or a combination of the two. This depends on the way the market behaves on a given day and on the currency trading strategy that the trader uses. Resist the temptation to make your currency trading strategy too complicated. Cram in too many indicators into your forex trading system, and you will have too many elements to break and it will fail. A far more effective currency trading strategy is to set a reasonable profit target each time (not expecting the home run) and be satisfied with smaller profits--which on a consistent basis will build the equity in the account quickly once the compounding action kicks in. A Currency trading strategy with a high profit percentage rewards you mentally also as it will boost you up for further trade and will make it enjoyable.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Mini forex trading
There are times when trading demo money failed to create the same sentiments as trading your hard earned money. You may trade $200,000 without blinking an eye in a demo account but when real money is at stake, your mind is going to make you react in a different way than in paper trading.
Ready to ditch your demo account for live trading but not sure if you can tolerate the risks? Get a mini forex account! The amount of money needed to open a regular forex account is already small, but a mini account minimum amount is even smaller. With a minimum investment of $200, a mini forex account is perfect for newbie and those with little capital. A regular forex account will require 10 times more money. This may just be the bridge you need to learn about funds management and get a taste of live trading without getting your fingers burned.
For a small stake, you still get the enjoy the full range of facilities and resources used by full forex traders such as advanced software, free trading platform, charts and the likes. The worst scenario is that you lose all your $200, if no margin was used. This has a direct impact on investors' psychology and pressure when trading.
Needless to say, a mini forex account is a great channel to hone your skills and build your confidence. With a mini forex trading account, you can trade up to 5 mini lot with each lot equivalent to 1/10th the size of a normal forex account. By default, the standard contract size in forex platform trading is 100,000 units. According to Paolo Freguglia, "for mini lot you need to adjust it to 0.1 lot in order to place 10,000 units."
This is also to say that the profit and loss will be a fraction of that of a usual account. Once you are ready to earn full profit from your trade, (not to mention handle a full-blown loss), it is time to move on to a regular forex trading account. Even when a loss is suffered, a mini forex trading account holder get over his loss relatively easy and learn not to make the same trading mistake again.
Like any expert will tell you, controlling one's emotion when trading is the most important underlying aspect, surpassing those of analysis and skills. Once the mind is conditioned to resist financial influence, it can then decode the market and decide the course of action objectively. Therefore, a mini forex trading account is useful for investors to test the water without getting their feet wet.